Loops over a list in the process data. Performs the THEN branch for each item in the list. Performs a FINALLY when done iterating.


Key to Iterate On

A reference to the list object in the process data for which subsequent actions will be executed for each record in the list.

Key to Apply Each Value To

The process data property that will contain the individual record in subsequent actions.

For example, if you had iterate_key pointed to a list named "labels" where the value is ["a", "b", "c"] and the iterate_setKey set to "letter". This would result in the first iteration containing the property letter="a", the second iteration would contain the property letter="b", and the third letter="c".

Delay Each By (Seconds)

Amount of time in seconds to wait after the previous iteration has completed before beginning the next iteration.

Key for Returned Data

The property that will contain all logged success records that occurred during the iteration. This property is accessible in the subsequent FINALLY branch.

Key for Returned Errors

The property that will contain all logged error records that occurred during the iteration. This property is accessible in the subsequent FINALLY branch.

Segment Items?

When enabled the iterator will break the input list object into smaller list of objects of equal length which may be accessed in subsequent actions.

Segment Size

How many records will be included in each iteration action.