Sets a specified time in the future for the subsequent actions to execute. Can be a specific time or date, or it may be a defined elapsed time from the current time.


Schedule Type

When to run the scheduled process.

valid options
FROM_NOWThe action will run after a specified delay from the current time.
SPECIFIC_TIMEThe action will run at the absolute time and date specified.

Scheduled Time

The specific time and date to run the subsequent actions.

Delay Quantity

The amount of time to wait to run the subsequent actions. Factored by the delay units.

Delay Units

The time units by which the delay quantity is factored.

valid options
sDelay by seconds.
mDelay by minutes.
hDelay by hours.
dDelay by days.

Scheduled Process Is Cancellable

When enabled, any scheduled previously scheduled action that has been previously scheduled may be cancelled by a Cancel Scheduled Action process that has a matching cancellation key.

Cancellation Key Template

The key used to identify previously scheduled processes so that they may be cancelled. Accepts template syntax.

Identifier Template

Template used to help identify the scheduled process in the event logs. Please set this to make your logs easier to interpret.