X12 Encode | ENCODE_X12




An ARRAY value to encode formatted as a segment document.

transactionDefinition optional
Use a custom ISA/GS Envelope Header.

transactionSummary optional
Use a custom ISE/GE Envelope Footer.

segmentTemplateKey optional
Select one of the pre-included formats.

customSegmentTemplate optional
Define a custom set of segments to include in the document.

senderID optional
The ID of the sender. It is usually the sender business DUNS number.

recipientID optional
The ID of the recipient. It is usually the receipient business DUNS number.

version optional
The X12 version to validate against. Leave this blank for 00401 which is the most common.

interchangeControlNumber optional
The number used to identify this record between systems.

groupIdentifierStr optional
Two digit code that tells the validator what type of content to expect in the group.

groupControlNumber optional
The number used to identify the data grouped together in this record. Set this when using a custom template.

customSegmentTemplateKey optional
Tells the validator what X12 specification to validate against. Set this when using a custom template.

Return Value

A CSV encoded TEXT value.


Encode a value in CSV format.


# VALUE is [ [ "ST" => [ [ "0", "0001" ] ], "SE" => [ [ "0", "0001" ] ] ] ]
# Returns something similar to "ISA*00*          *00*          *01*0              *01*0              *$200101*0000*U*00401*000000000*0*P*<~GS*XX*0*0*20200101*0000*0*X*004010~ST*0*0001~SE*0*0001~GE*1*0~IEA*1*000000000~"